We humans are meant to live into our full potential with happiness and contentment; we are inherently worthy of love
You are not a problem to be fixed or an issue to be solved, like a 30-minute sitcom or an hour-long drama; you are a seed to be nurtured and tended with great care and attention
That seed of purpose – of talent – of passion — is already within you, waiting to be born
It’s not about changing who you are now, but discovering who you really are deep inside the core of your being – and changing the outside to reflect the inside
New growth is precious, and needs to be held with respect and dignity as it struggles to break through and take root
Transformation is absolutely possible
You CAN change your mind…literally. It is never too late
How you listen and express yourself makes a difference in how you understand and are understood
Connecting in a meaningful way with other humans is necessary – even for us Introverts
A full and meaningful life does not eradicate difficult emotions – instead, when we notice and accept them, learn from them, and integrate them, we grow from them – and they soften their hold on us